On November 16, 2018. My twin sister Jen and I were invited to be part of Merrell's Nature's Gym at Anytime Fitness Oakridge.
Fit. Trail, Run. Merrell's Nature's Gym collection is made for the gym to the outdoors.
Enjoy outdoor workout sessions this November with Merrell and Anytime Fitness.
Sign up here: https://www.merrell.com.ph/cms/8/natures-gym
Nature's Gym has been on going for the past two (2) years and it's the first time in Cebu. We were fortunate enough to get to experience it first hand thanks to our dear friend Henny!
Upon entering, we were given some shoes to fit for our outdoor exercise experience. So we wore them right way and took some snaps. Before the program started, I browsed around and checked some shoes and the new energy workout drink called Black Mamba which tasted quite good.
Miss Franz of Merrell then welcomed us and then we were introduced to Miss Jem Carolin, Senior Marketing Director of Nature's Gym. She told us that Joe Miller, a notable person from Iron Man was around to join us.
Right after we were then introduced to Anytime Fitness Oakridge gym coach who told us that we would be doing 2 rounds of 10 sets of HIITs.
We're used to doing cardio (boxing via Kuya Jemar) and running, but we haven't tried HIIT, so it was quite an experience.

Jen and I kept laughing. My brother in law to be Kirby was also enjoying the day and did his own round of HIIT.
Jen and I most of the time were paired together, perhaps it looked cute since we are identical twins. Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of us working out together, but hopefully someone has one!
After around 2 sets of 10 - 30 second HIIT exercises, we finally finished. We were really tired, the whole time I was smiling and laughing though, just to prevent myself from fainting! All in all the experience was quite fun, and the shoes were extremely comfortable!
Right after, Henny and the team treated us to a light dinner at 10 Dove Street where we got to talk and bond with fellow ambassadors.
Sign up today! Merrell is now accepting members! Try and Experience Nature's gym and connect with Mother Nature!
Rap was really late because he was stuck in the office, so he caught up with some cute photos to show off his new Merrell's and he's loving it too!
Thank you so much #MerrellPH, #NaturesGymPH, #AnytimeFitnessOakridge #Cebu
Sincerely had a great time!