Hi! I'm Jas. On tiktok, Mommy Jassie and Baby Top.
Ever since I was young, together with my family we would always travel. The world truly is a wonderful place that everyone should see, which is why whenever I go to a destination, I make sure to bring out my camera and take landscape, architecture or even portrait shots so I can look back at it one day.
I started this page because when I hit my mid 20s (year 2013) and started traveling with my (now husband) Rap, people would always ask us how we do it, or how we were able to travel multiple times per year even when we have businesses to run.
The truth is, Rap and I (you can check our blog at http://www.rjexplores.com) infuse practical+fun+memorable and make the most of the least. Which is why we decided to post about our adventures so more people can do what we were able to do before our 30s.
I made this page basically to:
(1) Share Photos of the places I've been to
(2) Help those who want to travel and Explore the World with their loved ones.